Tuesday, December 30, 2008

reality called

and like an idiot i answered. so i was texting one of my amazing friends by the name of cyrus and he mentioned something about school. thats when reality hit me like a speeding school bus. two weeks after i go back to school from break second semester of my senior year starts. i have soooo much to do i think i might go more insane than i already am. pretty much got a ton of community and family service hours to complete and turn in, and two apprenticeships to wrap up and write papers about. not to mention my classes. can i just cry right now? no, there is no crying in baseball!!! (i dont play baseball but it fit) i gotta start managing my time better....sigh responsibility sucks, as does my lame school.

best friends

My three best friends

Nick!!! I dont think i would be the same without you nicholas. from dancing at prom to depressing the victory kids in drama with our monologues we have had some pretty good times lol and stop reading my mind you creep!! we think too much alike its kinda scary at times.....

Floyd!!! aka Brooke! im pretty much sure you are an amazing friend. you are a great listener and even though there is alot we dont agree on like music and politics i love ya kid!!!!! you should really take drama with me, and you know it!!

Elena!!! you are pretty much amazing. yep. if i could sing like you i would be pretty frickin pumped. you rock my socks mkay. i am pretty sure that you need to come hang out more and maybe one day we could actually watch an entire movie lol

ps to all my other friends reading this i love you too!!!!!!!!!!! i just had to draw a line somewhere and three seemed good :)

good ol'nampa

when i think of the places i have visited in my 17 years so far on earth i start to realize how much i love being home in nampa. sure nampa isnt sunny and warm like hawaii, or fancy and famous like paris, but its probably my favorite place to be. we get a variety of weather, and the hot summer days make you appreciate the cold of winter, and the cold winter nights really make you appreciate the hot summer days. nampa is no tourist magnet, in fact there are absolutely no tourist attractions. well unless you count the warhawk air museum nobody has heard of but has some sweet planes that were in the pearl harbor movie. but the nice thing about no tourist attractions is no tourists! no people that dont speak the language wandering around asking some question nobody understands, i know from experience how irritated people get when you dont speak their language. so when i look around, whether i see snow or heat waves rising from the streets i know im home. im not sure why i felt like writing this, maybe because i know a lot of people that are desperate to get out of nampa, or maybe because i have been so desperate to get out of nampa but when i sat down to figure out why i had no idea. i may not stay in nampa forever but while i am here im loving it.

childhood is calling...

...pick up before it hangs up. these past few months i cant keep from dreaming of childhood and all its simplicity. back when boys were icky and home work consisted of problems up to 10 + 10. if only i could go back with the knowledge i have now, i would have spent my time differently, i would have been more outgoing and less self conscious. i spent most of my time seperated and not involved in anything just watching and thinking. i still do too much watching and thinking. i definitely think too much, it makes decisions impossible and it makes me sound crazy. someone will be talking about something, e.g. pizza and it will make me think of some time i bought pizza and ate the entire thing, which will make me think of i time i was babysitting and ate a whole footlong from subway, which will make me think of how long my feet are, etc and somehow i end up telling a story about my pet rabbit when everyone else is still talking about pizza. kind of like in this blog, i started out talking about childhood and ended up talking about pizza and rabbits. well if you stuck it out for the whole thing thank you and welcome to the end, you are now free to leave my crazy mind. :)