Tuesday, December 30, 2008

childhood is calling...

...pick up before it hangs up. these past few months i cant keep from dreaming of childhood and all its simplicity. back when boys were icky and home work consisted of problems up to 10 + 10. if only i could go back with the knowledge i have now, i would have spent my time differently, i would have been more outgoing and less self conscious. i spent most of my time seperated and not involved in anything just watching and thinking. i still do too much watching and thinking. i definitely think too much, it makes decisions impossible and it makes me sound crazy. someone will be talking about something, e.g. pizza and it will make me think of some time i bought pizza and ate the entire thing, which will make me think of i time i was babysitting and ate a whole footlong from subway, which will make me think of how long my feet are, etc and somehow i end up telling a story about my pet rabbit when everyone else is still talking about pizza. kind of like in this blog, i started out talking about childhood and ended up talking about pizza and rabbits. well if you stuck it out for the whole thing thank you and welcome to the end, you are now free to leave my crazy mind. :)

1 comment:

    glad i stuck it out!

    yer crazy stover..but i love you soooo much.
