Friday, January 9, 2009

day off

so i called in sick today even though at the time i didnt feel quite sick enough at the time because 1. i was getting progressively worse 2. i have to memorize a part in a 30 min play by wednesday 3. i have been so tired lately that i cant sleep. so as i lie here sneezing coughing and alternating between grabbing a warm blanket to cover up with and throwing it off in a desperate need to cool down i have to wonder. will i actually be able to sleep tonight knowing that my best friend is working her butt off without me. and i honestly must say that wont be what keeps me awake. i feel no remorse for calling in, yes i feel bad for brooke having to work on a busy night but im so sick of the crap in my life from school, work, church and family that i dont care. they can get along without me for one night if i can work for them for minimum wage and no gratitude for a year and 4 months. oddly enough when i really think about it i cant leave the people there, well some of them. i love some of them, like others, dont like some and hate a couple but i just cant imagine leaving the ones i like. GRRR why do people have to be so likeable that they can keep you at a job you hate.

1 comment:

  1. i sincerely hope i'm one of the people you hate because you like me so much :]
    dood. stay home. brooke understands :]

    work shmork.
    stick it to the man
