Tuesday, January 6, 2009

im so tired...

i could eat a horse...no wait that didnt come out right. if i could get just one looong night of restful sleep that would be great. the past 5 nights i have gotten 4, 3, 2, 9, and 6 hours of sleep. of course the nine hour night was nice but because of the 'sleep debt' from the nights before it wasnt very restful. thank you psychology for all the useful information on why im tired. and thank you life for ruining my natural sleep cycle. particularly work i think we have established that i dont like my job but for whatever reason im not sure i could just up and leave even if i had another job offer. probably the people, like my best friend and my other best friends. but not half my managers or the girl who has a creepy crush on me. anyhoo! im tired.


  1. I know exactly what you mean. Same boat kid. I think I actually crave sleep.

    i learned about sleep debt from luke terraberry from your school what a coincidence :}
    that's funny.

    loveyou dood.
